I am excited to share with you this news update about recent legislative developments and some of the work I am doing to represent our community in the California State Assembly.
Assemblymember Hart Newsletter

I am excited to share with you this news update about recent legislative developments and some of the work I am doing to represent our community in the California State Assembly.

Legislation Signed by Governor Newsom

In my first year as a Member of the California State Assembly I am proud to announce that all 8 of my authored bills that made it to Governor Newsom's desk have been signed.

These bills provide nonprofits with advanced payments for state grants and contracts, protect communities from oil spills, improve local disaster response and increase consumer protections for homeowners. Overall, this legislative package will improve the quality of life for the residents of the Central Coast and all Californians.

Bills Signed

Supporting Nonprofits: AB 590 provides nonprofits with access to advance payments when they are awarded State grants and contracts. By removing a significant funding barrier that prevented many small, local nonprofits from accessing state funds, this bill ensures more nonprofits organizations can receive state grants and perform the critically needed work in our communities.

Protecting Communities from Oil Spills: AB 631 ensures California has the necessary, modern enforcement tools to protect communities from oil industry operators that violate the law, endanger public health and threaten the environment by bringing civil penalties up-to-date.

Consumer Protections for Homeowners: AB 1345 protects homeowners against predatory real estate contracts that entice sellers with cash up front in exchange for restrictive, decades-long exclusive real estate listing agreements that are enforced by liens on a homeowner's property.

Increasing Recycling: AB 1548 boosts recycling by expanding grants to cities and counties for advanced recycling equipment and food recovery programs. This bill will help California meet its ambitious recycling goals.

Remote Meetings during Emergencies: AB 557 allows local governments to conduct meetings remotely during Governor-declared State emergencies to ensure essential community services get to the people who need help.

Traffic Infraction Equity: AB 1125 protects Californians who miss a single traffic fine installment plan payment from having their driver's license suspended.

Mental Health Access: AB 1412 allows defendants diagnosed with borderline personality disorder to receive the necessary mental health treatment through pretrial diversion programs to increase rehabilitation and reduce recidivism.

Governor Newsom has already signed my AB 584, which ensures local agencies can expeditiously clean up our roads, trails and oceans during natural disasters by expanding emergency permitting by the Coastal Commission.

To learn more about this legislation, and additional legislation I have authored, please visit the California Legislative Information website.

Sidewalk Office Hours

Recently, I've held Sidewalk Office Hours in Nipomo, Orcutt, Santa Maria, Montecito, and Summerland. I enjoyed the opportunity to connect with community members about the issues that they care deeply about. I look forward to meeting with people in Guadalupe, Goleta, Santa Barbara, Vandenberg Village, Lompoc, Solvang and Buellton in the coming weeks.

Sidewalk Office Hours flyers

Monday, October 30

  • Guadalupe: 8 to 9:30 a.m. in front of Rancho de Guadalupe, 1005 Guadalupe St.

Wednesday, November 8

  • Goleta: 9 to 10:30 a.m. in front of the Goleta Valley Community Center, 5679 Hollister Ave.
  • Santa Barbara: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., N. Milpas St. & E. Ortega St.

Thursday, November 9

  • Vandenberg Village: 9 to 10:30 a.m. at the Vandenberg Village Library, 3755 Constellation Rd.
  • Lompoc: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., H St. & Ocean Ave.
  • Solvang: 2 to 3:30 p.m. in front of the Veterans' Memorial Building, 1745 Mission Dr.
  • Buellton: 4 to 5:30 p.m., Avenue of the Flags & CA-246

Asm. Hart with firefighters and fire truck in background

Out in the Community

Asm. Hart viewing pie eating contestants in action
Judging the pie eating contest at the Goleta Lemon Festival.

Asm. Hart standing on sidewalk with constituent
Meeting with community members in Orcutt.

Asm. Hart speaking with constituents on sidewalk; branded table and sign
Meeting with community members in Summerland.

Asm. Hart and constituent posing in front of dentist's office, with multiple constituents in background
Attending the Santa Maria Open Streets festival.

Asm. Hart standing and waving as onlookers applaud
Celebrating the opening of the expanded Foothill Surgery Center with Sansum Clinic and Sutter Health (Photo credit: Josh Molina/Noozhawk)

Staffer and Asm. Hart presenting award to intern
Recognizing Dunn School student intern Alexander Grenier.

Asm. Hart presenting award to intern
Recognizing UCSB student intern Mia Reines.

Staffer and intern holding up award
Recognizing UCSB student intern Sophie Ryan.

I hope that these legislative and community updates provide insight into our work together. As always, I value your feedback and encourage you to reach out to us with any questions, suggestions or concerns by calling my district office in Santa Barbara at (805) 564-1649 and Santa Maria at (805) 346-1237, or via email at Assemblymember.Hart@assembly.ca.gov.


Gregg Hart Signature

Gregg Hart
Assemblymember, 37th District

Capitol Office:
P.O. Box 942849
Sacramento, CA 94249-0037
Tel: (916) 319-2037
Santa Barbara Office:
101 West Anapamu Street
Suite A
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Tel: (805) 564-1649
Santa Maria Office:
1111 South Broadway
Suite 101
Santa Maria, CA 93454
Tel: (805) 346-1237
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