I am proud to have my first bill signed into law by Governor Newsom. Assembly Bill 584 ensures local agencies can expeditiously clean-up our roads, trails, and oceans during natural disasters by expanding emergency permitting by the Coastal Commission.
Assemblymember Hart Newsletter

I am proud to have my first bill signed into law by Governor Newsom. Assembly Bill 584 ensures local agencies can expeditiously clean up our roads, trails and oceans during natural disasters by expanding emergency permitting by the Coastal Commission.

Legislation Strengthening Coastal
Recovery Effort Signed Into Law

As a life-long coastal resident and previous Coastal Commissioner, I have witnessed first-hand the unique challenges our region faces during natural disasters. This legislation is an important step to strengthen emergency response efforts and protect public safety.

Donne Brownsey, Chair of the California Coastal Commission, applauded the passage of this legislation, noting, "Damage to California's coastal infrastructure from intense storms and other disasters must be addressed immediately in order to protect the public welfare. Assembly Bill 584 makes sure that public agencies can continue to perform emergency work in the coastal zone quickly and efficiently."

AB 584 quote with coastline in background

Funding for the Central Coast: $1 Million for
the Santa Maria Sports Complex

Working closely with Senator Monique Limón, we successfully secured $1 million in this year's state budget for the new Santa Maria sports complex. When completed, the facility will provide a safe and inviting space for thousands of people of all ages to play soccer and other sports. Over the coming months I will highlight other local projects that were also funded in the budget.

Two children playing soccer

Visiting Our State Parks

Asm. Hart with state park staff

I recently visited two of the Central Coast's treasured state parks, La Purísima Mission State Historic Park and Gaviota State Park.

Beginning my day at La Purísima Mission, I learned about the site's history, including its founding in 1787, its destruction by fire in 1812, and its rebuilding soon after in its present site. The La Purísima Visitor Center State Parks staff are working to preserve artifacts for future generations and share the oral history of the site so that the stories embedded in them are not lost.

I then explored Gaviota State Park. Extensive repair work has been completed at this park following significant damage from the winter storm season. Gaviota State Park reopened for day use on Monday, August 7th, and for camping on Tuesday, August 8th. The park was full of visitors of all ages who were eager to take advantage of the newly reopened beach and coastal campgrounds. Make a camping reservation at Gaviota State Park or at other parks in the system.

Both of these sites are part of the California Department of Parks and Recreation's Channel Coast District. The Channel Coast District is home to two state parks, three state historic parks, and seven state beaches. The District covers 8,100 acres of terrain and includes nearly 25 miles of coastline. The parks preserve the Central Coast's diverse ecology and maintain our connection to history, with much attention paid to the history of the Chumash people.

I encourage you to visit a state park that you have not been to in a while. We are very fortunate to have these incredible sites in our community.

Individuals looking to get involved with state parks can check out the Channel Coast District's current volunteer and job opportunities.

Asm. Hart and state park staff tour interior of museum

California Climate Action Corps is Hiring!

Take Climate Action banner

The California Climate Action Corps is now accepting applications for its 11-month climate action fellowship starting in September 2023. Fellows will work with public agencies, tribes, nonprofits and schools throughout the state to engage communities in climate action and education. Projects include urban greening, organic waste and edible food recovery, wildfire resiliency and more initiatives to serve their communities.

Find more information on how to apply.

Out in the Community

Asm. Hart in traditional dress, with others in front of parade car
Attending the Old Spanish Days Historical Parade in Santa Barbara.

Asm. Hart with SB County Vintner's representatives
Discussing the state of our local wine industry with the Santa Barbara County Vintner's Association in Los Olivos.

Asm. Hart in gym, speaking with Boys & Girls Club staff
Visiting the Boys & Girls Club of Mid-Central Coast in Santa Maria.

I hope that these legislative and community updates provide insight into our work together. As always, I value your feedback and encourage you to reach out to us with any questions, suggestions or concerns by calling my district office at (805) 564-1649 or via email at Assemblymember.Hart@assembly.ca.gov.

Warm regards,

Gregg Hart Signature

Gregg Hart
Assemblymember, 37th District

Capitol Office:
P.O. Box 942849
Sacramento, CA 94249-0037
Tel: (916) 319-2037
District Office:
101 West Anapamu Street
Suite A
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Tel: (805) 564-1649
© 2023 California State Assembly