I am excited to share with you this news update about recent legislative developments and some of the work I am doing to represent our community in the California State Assembly.
Update from the Capitol
California State Assemblymembers
The Assembly and Senate have successfully passed the 2023-24 California State Budget, which the Governor has twelve days to sign or veto. The legislature's balanced and fiscally responsible plan invests in key priorities to combat homelessness, increase access to childcare, and safeguard our environment. I look forward to keeping you up to date on state funding priorities that will impact the Central Coast and communities across California.
I am also happy to report that 10 bills I am authoring have made it to the Senate. In the last week's newsletter, I highlighted bills that protect communities from oil spills by strengthening enforcement, improve nonprofit grant programs and protect homeowners from predatory real estate practices.
Here are three more bills from my legislative package that will strengthen emergency response and recovery, support local family farms and increase local recycling efforts.
Local Disaster Recovery: Assembly Bill 584 helps State and local governments swiftly conduct emergency repair work during disaster recovery efforts by allowing the Coastal Commission more flexibility to issue emergency waivers. The bill would streamline clean-up of our roads, trails, and oceans to ensure the safety of Californians.
Supporting Local Family Farms: Assembly Bill 1197 identifies local, small family farms and ranches to connect them with State resources so they can grow their businesses, prosper economically and continue serving heathy food to our communities.
Increasing Recycling: Assembly Bill 1548 ensures that local governments and nonprofits are eligible for State funding to purchase critical recycling equipment and expand food waste recovery operations. This bill will help California meet its ambitious recycling goals.
Presenting legislation at a committee hearing and meeting with National Guard troops.
To learn more about this legislation, and additional legislation I have authored, please visit the California Legislative Information website.
Celebrating Pride Month
Happy Pride Month! June is a time for us to celebrate the past, present and future of the LGBTQ+ community. California is standing strong with our unconditional support for LGBTQ+ people and will continue to be a beacon of hope and acceptance for all.
In celebration of Pride Month, I visited Santa Maria Pride and welcomed AIDS/LifeCycle riders to Santa Barbara.
Out in the Community
Celebrating the removal of the last two shorezone oil piers in California with Lt. Governor Kounalakis, the California State Lands Commission, and Controller Malia Cohen, along with our tribal, state and local leadership. This significant milestone marks a monumental step forward in protecting our precious coastal environment. View a clip from the press conference.
Speaking about affordable housing at a meeting of the League of Women Voters of the Santa Maria Valley.
Recognizing Guadalupe Mayor Ariston Julian and Police Chief Michael Cash for their heroic actions to keep families safe during the winter storms.
I hope these legislative and community updates provide insight into our work together. As always, I value your feedback and encourage you to reach out to us with any questions, suggestions or concerns by calling my District Office at (805) 564-1649 or via email at Assemblymember.Hart@assembly.ca.gov.
Gregg Hart
Assemblymember, 37th District